buzzards bay cookbook



the buzzards bay cookbook is intended to showcase not only the "cuisine of the lake" but also some of the non-culinary flavor of the area and the folks who inhabit that rather unique little spot on the globe.

for the time being, at least, the content of this "book" will be in the form of web pages that you can jump around among, link to, and do whatever with. at some point it may become necessary to make some order of what might otherwise evolve into somewhat of a chaotic mess, but for now just go with the flow and enjoy the ride.

if you'd like to make a submission or several, and your editorial staff certainly hopes that you will, please send them as an email, or an attachment to an email, to the webmaster. format doesn't really matter, as the editorial weenies will have their way with them anyway. if possible, include a little something about the history of the dish, or whatever else you think the other folks out there might find interesting. just remember there are children and other small house pets watching. historical facts, guesses or flat out lies are all cheerfully acceptable. include photos of the dish if you happen to have one, on the theory that if your audience can't read, they can probably at least drool a little.

yours in good taste,
the editor


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